Tuesday, 10 July 2012

Meeting Madame Caramel

Things have got interesting in the past few days.

Last Saturday morning I was idly browsing fetish sites pursuing my two primary interests at the moment: crossdressing and femdom when I found something that looked very interesting: "Dommes Gone Wild". Well...I haven't been to a club or a party for quite a while (to be honest, I haven't done anything much actively to indulge my inner pervert for a few months), so I thought I'd write and make an application to participate.

To my surprise I had a reply from Madame Caramel in just a few minutes. After we'd exchanged emails for half an hour, I found myself getting dressed and leaving the house to go for an interview in Her flat in Hoxton, pausing only to pick up bring the orange juice and croissants that I'd been instructed to bring.

I was very nervous as I climbed the stairs to Her apartment and admitted to Her living room. Madame is a strong, imposing, feminine presence and my immediate instinct was to kneel at Her feet but I knew it would have been presumptuous to do so.  I was sent to the kitchen to find a plate and a glass for the juice and pastries. After I had served them, I was permitted to sit and offered a cup of tea. And then we talked for nearly three hours.

Madame was warm, gracious and understanding, I found myself longing to serve her in whatever way I could and, before I left, she gave me the opportunity. Just a little domestic service, shopping and washing up, but it was a start.

The exciting thing is that not only had I been accepted for Dommes Gone Wild but Madame invited me to be her plaything in a film shoot with Femme Fatale Films later this week. It would mean missing a day's work but I didn't hesitate in accepting: I knew I would regret it for ever if I let the opportunity pass.

The next day Madame sent me more information about the shoot. The scene for Femme Fatale will involve clothed face sitting and body worship, inspired by the art of Namio Harukawa. There were also some very clear instructions for me:

"Slaves in my presence are completely naked and collared fully shaved! Bring a rubber hood and ID"

It's a long time since I've removed all my body hair. The last time was years ago, early in my journey into kink: when I was still married I'd spent a night and a day being feminised at Mrs Silk's. I'd made a complete mess of shaving my legs for the first time, bleeding all over her bathroom and subsequently my stockings. It was very embarrassing.

I was determined to get it right this time, so yesterday I went to Boots at lunchtime and bought a 'Venus' lady's razor, enough wax strips to pluck a polar bear, a jar of Veet oriental wax and new blades for my own shaver. Hard to concentrate on my meetings in the afternoon: I just wanted to get home and  depilate.

Eventually I got away. As soon as my front door closed behind me, I got naked and set to work with the wax strips: not only did they seem remarkably effective but the ripping sensation as they came off was a thrill for my inner painslut.

After a while I retired to the bathroom and went to work with my razors. I loved slathering my cock and balls with lather and then running the blade over them.

I think I'm ready. I hope Madame will find the result acceptable:

"Ready for my close up, Mr De Mille"

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